Well, well, @isaac-kleiner I see you've finally taken to embracing modern technology instead of spending your worthless days wiping your glasses and excreting waste on the Combine's front lawn. How quaint. As busy and important as I am, I must, however, correct your foul and frankly wrong statement regarding my Kissy-Kiss list (Which includes some of the MOST prestigious and hottest Combine loyalists on the planet, thank you very much) I do hope you realize that this entire matter is an extremely oblivious echo-chamber of in-correction, but I doubt your fainting demented memory allows you to remember past five seconds. #BreenRules #PoopyKleiner

Imagine having so few birches you kiss your own statues #RebelsFRVR #PoppyBreen
"Dr Breen if you don't give this young man a kiss a dude from H.E.C.U will come to your office and touch you" H.E.C.U Kiss him
bros cooked 💀
idk man kleiner said in due time to my kissy request and you said NO. SCREW YOU. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU.
-200 Ration Credits
Can’t believe this is my leader! Man… THE COMBINE SUCK! #RebelsFRVR
also where did you take my statues of Dr kleiner
I'd totally be a Combine loyalist if you let me make a kissy request (and you accept it) with one of your fine metro-cops!! tenor.com/view/combine-my-belove…
i think YOU live in a echo-chamber breen. #RebelsFRVR #PoopyBreen