Doesn't Entropy: Zero 2 take place just after/during Episode 1?
That would mean that in order for this to work, Griggs and Sheckley would have been at Arbeit when Bad Cop starts tearing shit up and somehow survive and ditch Mossman's group before they can be killed by Bad Cop.
While somehow finding a way out of Arbeit with transport for them to travel back to White Forest and to the mines fast enough to be there to meet Gordan Freeman.
All this, and they conveniently forget to inform the White Forest Resistance that shits fucked at Arbeit.
Over explanation aside... No, I'm thinking they're a lucky combo of generic NPCs.
Doesn't Entropy: Zero 2 take place just after/during Episode 1? That would mean that in order for this to work, Griggs and Sheckley would have been at Arbeit when Bad Cop starts tearing shit up and somehow survive and ditch Mossman's group before they can be killed by Bad Cop. While somehow finding a way out of Arbeit with transport for them to travel back to White Forest and to the mines fast enough to be there to meet Gordan Freeman. All this, and they conveniently forget to inform the White Forest Resistance that shits fucked at Arbeit. Over explanation aside... No, I'm thinking they're a lucky combo of generic NPCs.
I think Ez2 takes place between half-life 2 and ep1 since the tape was already recorded at the start of ep1 and ez2 is when Mossman is recording it.
wait was mossman recording playing in the citadel?
i think so since they got the tape from the citadel which the recording was in the tape
How long have Gordon and alyx been in the citadel
They spend about 30 minutes in ep1
I Think not!
Yeeee... NO :)
Most likly an easter egg.
I doubt it tbh
@breadman well is it?
I quite agree, but not exactly, yet I'm not being indecisive.
coincidence? I THINK NOT