GUYS I GOT PROMOTED RAAHHHHH Here's a photo 74 took to celebrate. Man, now I work in actual MISSIONS! Like taking out hordes of antlions and rebel hide outs. Mannn Im sooo glad about this, but i do hang out less with 74. Renember people, dont be a rebel and join civil protection! You'll probably end like me!…
chat i dont trust this guy i think it might be propaganda
Hey im not that "Yo dudes, the combine is pretty chill, maybe you could like, join it or something" guy
uhmm im still not joining civil protection
We do have burger king every friday
i dont like burgers
You're loss, I joined a week ago. Central Europe pretty chill.
civil protection kicked my cat
Its been 20 years since animals could reproduce, you wanna tell me you had a 20 year old cat? That cat litteraly crummbled into dust as soon as the boot touched him.
civil protection fucked my wife
It wouldn't happen if you joined + cp's aren't sexist I might add
civil protection took my kids away
But I can
i will start rebelinf if you keep stealing my candy stash and firing rockets at my house
Advisor's order, cant do nothing about it. Except for the candy, I was hungry.
STOP STEALING MY CANDY BARS!!!! or ill mass hire 500 shotgun rebels
Try me :)
4 portal storms are gonna happen