VALVe and VALVe Community 2024 Retrospective - Episode One. What happened. - VALVe Retrospective and VALVe Community 2024 - Episode One. What happened. - Portal Revolution (VALVe Community): Stefan Heinz, created a good Portal 2 mod with new stages and using an improved version of the Source Engine. (I thought it was good); - The death of Team Fortress - Source 2 (VALVe and VALVe Community): It's a shame I'll never forget, VALVe banning this fan-made port of TF2 in Source 2. This fan remaster will never beat the look of TF2 on Source Engine. But having the option for better graphics is cool and to this day I still don't understand this happening of a franchise that emerged from a Quake mod. (SHAME ON VALVE); - Deadlock (VALVe): A new VALVe IP was leaked, a TPS/Hero-Shooter with Half-Life 2 visuals and the cartoonish aesthetic of TF2. Made by IceFrog (Creator of DotA 2), there is no release date, it launched a closed beta and one was a success (I'M NOT INTERESTED BUT LET'S WAIT AND SEE); - A new era for the Entropy Zero story (VALVe Community): Breadman will continue the story of 3650 with new phases with the release of Entropy Zero - Axon Pariah and a prequel called Entropy Zero - Progenitors (Playing as a Combine Assassin, enemy cut from Half-Life 2) . (Let's wait and see).
TF2 Source 2 was taken down because they had leaked code on their public GitHub page. Basically they did something stupid and paid for it.
I feel like if another team started porting TF2 to Source 2 and were careful with their code, and asked permission from VALVe, they would be successful. Really hope someone tries it again, but it's unlikely that anyone else will be willing to put in the effort again. Shame, but we can still hope...
It makes sense, Philip Viktor (creator of Half-Life 2 - Update 2015) asked for the CSGO source code to improve Half-Life 2 and the Expansion DLCs (Loast Coast and Episodes). VALVe accepted, it will be released on Steam at any time. TF2 could continue like this, but it seems (correct if I'm wrong) that they didn't ask for it.
pretty sure the reason they took down TFS2 is because they are making their own source 2 port (i am delusional,i know)
I really hope you're right, and it is a possibility. It's just really unlikely if they are working on deadlock and hl3 too....
Why include pariah and progenitors when they are not even out? There are lots of other good mods that have come out/ been announced/recieved an update this year
This is my first time. I must improve a lot
Like the Burton equation or Dark interval part2,the two episode 3 demo mods: interlude, finality .