"25 years."

"25 years."
DE_DUST2 Two decades apart and still sexy!
Gordon Freeman is a menace Inspired by this post: community.lambdageneration.com/h…
Some Half-Life textures I recreated in Substance Designer. You can see more on my personal website: rutgerstegenga.nl/half-life/ #halflife #fanart
The Lemon Office - Portal Re-render Project
New screenshots for Portal 2 mod Portal: Revolution
I finally finished this masterpiece
BREAKING NEWS! : Our Dear Friend Male_07 (A.K.A Box Car Joe) Has Developed a Severe Eating Disorder, Please Spread The Message To Raise Awarness About Excessive Eating And Obesity
It Only Took Gordon Freeman 4 Days To Destroy The Combine's Presence In City 17