''A Chuck E. Cheese is a family entertainment centre'' *Shoots Walter Bennet* - G-man 2024
The One Free Man Vol. 3
Always following orders!
NEW MOVIE COMING OUT! BLλCK MESλ (Part 1) [2026] G-Man News : Highly Recommended 10/10 Action and Drama
Wanted to draw the characters of "hl: change begins with us" as animals, each animal representing their personality. It was pretty fun. Pete as a blackbuck; elegant, graceful, and agile but males especially can be very aggressive. Also i just like their patterns and how they seem to have angry eyebrows by default, lmao. Nate as an otter; social, usually portrayed as very joyful and chill animals. Outgoing, and very friendly. Marcel as a mouse, or as we like to call him... Mousel; small, quie…
for a spooky art comp hosted by @1lucia how it feels to chew 5 gum
Woah, look at all these pretty decorations! 🎃 It's giving me the shivers... 🥶
Mom can we buy Combine gear? “No we have Combine gear at home” The gear in question:
My lambda pumpkin this year