Idk if someone already asked this but a Cry of fear Subcommunity would be cool, it's one of the most important hl mods to date soo that would be interesting
Quick question, is it still possible to get access to S&Box?

I have been thinking about this gmod contest and i think im gonna partecipate. i don't even need the gift card but at this point i really do nothing all day soo...

WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!

yay finally the gmod subcommunity! haven't posted here in a while, but happy to see they have added a lot of new communities. finally i'll see if i can post my 10gb worth of gmod shitposts here

I saw people showing off their 1000 hours on sven co-op so i did the same i guess...

Does anyone know how can i "include" Half-life 2 Mmod with Update? i recently wanted to play HL2 with update but i realised it's compatible with Mmod so i wanted to try it but unfortunately there's no guide on YT nor on steam so i wanted to know. Thanks to everyone who will respond!
Who are you guys voting for Moddb MOTY? personally, i'm voting for Entropy: Zero 2 because it's one of the best mods i played in a looong time if not even the best mod i played. but feel free to say your decision! For some reason "The Perfect Girl" really fits with this video and with Half-Life 2 atmosphere in general.
Try to act like HL1/HL2 Npcs in the comments. i'll start: They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamberrr...