


I really don't know what to put here.

Joined 24 Nov 2022
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.

I have been thinking about this gmod contest and i think im gonna partecipate. i don't even need the gift card but at this point i really do nothing all day soo...

WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!
WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!
WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!
WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!

WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!


yay finally the gmod subcommunity! haven't posted here in a while, but happy to see they have added a lot of new communities. finally i'll see if i can post my 10gb worth of gmod shitposts here


Does anyone know how can i "include" Half-life 2 Mmod with Update? i recently wanted to play HL2 with update but i realised it's compatible with Mmod so i wanted to try it but unfortunately there's no guide on YT nor on steam so i wanted to know. Thanks to everyone who will respond!

Who are you guys voting for Moddb MOTY? personally, i'm voting for Entropy: Zero 2 because it's one of the best mods i played in a looong time if not even the best mod i played. but feel free to say your decision!
