Sorry if it's bad this is the first time i make a meme lol.
I just got banned by a HL2 RP server for having fun.
Sometimes i forget how chaotic sandbox servers are lol.
Literally everyone after reaching the end of higher tower be like:
I saw people showing off their 1000 hours on sven co-op so i did the same i guess...
Let's see if you want to get back up now!
Be honest, who do you think is better?
WOW! these are just a few of the images i managed to get from all 3 of the server (TTT, Sandbox, DarkRP) i think it was really one of the most amazing event that has happened with GMod in the last few years i had tons of fun and hope for something like this to happen again!
I asked an AI Art Generator to create Gordon Freeman(sorry for bad quality). 1.Why is he shirtless 2.What did his crowbar become lol.
Try to act like HL1/HL2 Npcs in the comments. i'll start: They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamberrr...