
Does anyone know how can i "include" Half-life 2 Mmod with Update? i recently wanted to play HL2 with update but i realised it's compatible with Mmod so i wanted to try it but unfortunately there's no guide on YT nor on steam so i wanted to know. Thanks to everyone who will respond!


Just put it in the sourcemods folder, then restart steam and then there'll Half Life 2 MMod: Update, or something along the lines of that.

Dec 3, 2022

What am i supposed to put in the sourcemods folder MMod or Update? cause i already have MMod in my sourcemods folder.

Reply to tryzer

MMod, then it should be in your library.

Reply to dieyoubloodsucker.wav
Dec 3, 2022

It's weird cause i have Update installed and also MMod showed up too but they are separated. maybe i should try to take them out of the sourcemods folder and put them back again.