


I Am Totu Falahola, A.K.A: TheSniperTotu I Was a Created the QUIVER and Artist Character and Drawing Maps - Work in Progress in QUIVER - Based on the Jane T. And Valve in 1997 and 2021

Joined 24 May 2023
605, Blanco TX,
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
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2 Survives Teams
1 HECU Forces

Q: Are The 3 Only G.F And A.S And B.C Are Name?
A: No. There Are 2.1 Are Survive And Arrived. Which,
They Choose Are The Based on The SCP: SS. Which Mean
"Security Stories"


-Guard Duty: You are a Agent From Ulgrin, Now You Task It's Now Ready For it.

-HECU Forces: You are a Colonel From Ryan, Now You Mission To Get Topside.

-HEV Guard: You are a Guard To Get The Out From Facility..
2 Survives Teams
1 HECU Forces

Q: Are The 3 Only G.F And A.S And B.C Are Name?
A: No. There Are 2.1 Are Survive And Arrived. Which,
They Choose Are The Based on The SCP: SS. Which Mean
"Security Stories"


-Guard Duty: You are a Agent From Ulgrin, Now You Task It's Now Ready For it.

-HECU Forces: You are a Colonel From Ryan, Now You Mission To Get Topside.

-HEV Guard: You are a Guard To Get The Out From Facility..
2 Survives Teams
1 HECU Forces

Q: Are The 3 Only G.F And A.S And B.C Are Name?
A: No. There Are 2.1 Are Survive And Arrived. Which,
They Choose Are The Based on The SCP: SS. Which Mean
"Security Stories"


-Guard Duty: You are a Agent From Ulgrin, Now You Task It's Now Ready For it.

-HECU Forces: You are a Colonel From Ryan, Now You Mission To Get Topside.

-HEV Guard: You are a Guard To Get The Out From Facility..

2 Survives Teams 1 HECU Forces Q: Are The 3 Only G.F And A.S And B.C Are Name? ------------------------------------------------------------------- A: No. There Are 2.1 Are Survive And Arrived. Which, They Choose Are The Based on The SCP: SS. Which Mean "Security Stories" Features: -Guard Duty: You are a Agent From Ulgrin, Now You Task It's Now Ready For it. -HECU Forces: You are a Colonel From Ryan, Now You Mission To Get Topside. -HEV Guard: You are a Guard To Get The Out From Facility..


ECHOES - Movie - Teaser The Intro Story: It's will Story was explain about the Eli Was Talking About a Back to Black Mesa... When the G-Man was a Tell a Messages to her Father in the And With her Daughter (Alyx) However she Was Explain Why Gordon Realize she said to Messages to Alyx... Eli Tell about the Man who give from Messages to Her.. Subject - Candidate #12 (Dr. Ellies Jouner) Was a Only the Man who is Behind the Late...

I Have a been Working on in Half-Life: Operation the Task Forces
The Maps will be Soon... Based on... "Half-Life: Resonance Cascade"
Models will be Soon...


I Have a been Working on in Half-Life: Operation the Task Forces The Maps will be Soon... Based on... "Half-Life: Resonance Cascade" Models will be Soon... - TST
