🏖️ 🏆 HOT AND STEAMY SUMMER ART CONTEST WINNERS! 🏆🏖️ We dived into the depths of the seas, and we managed to find loads of great treasures—I mean submissions. 🏊 Unfortunately, we are only able to bring 3 with us. It's time to announce the winners!🍹 😎 MOST COOL GOES TO... "It's a Summertime! - TF2/Blender #HotAndSteamyContest" By @max-shortt community.lambdageneration.com/t… 🏖️ MOST BEACH-VIBES GOES TO... "Totally not a late submission #HotAndSteamyContest" …
-the rabbit and the wolf- teased this on the discord a while back and i finally got around to finishing it
An Alien Grunt head Sketch
MANWICH (@epicplayer40) Requests open
I made this :)
PSA PLEASE LISTEN: A YouTuber named 'Kelski' has embarked on a valve journey of sorts, as he's never played any of the hl/portal games! For the love of GabeN, go to his channel and watch his videos! I know this is blatant shilling, but we need more spotlights on our beloved series, and I think he's doing a good job. I feel kind of guilty for not talking about this before, but he's put a lot of work into a quality review for all of the hl games up to hl2. Give em a visit, and I'm sure we can get more attention for his channel
Question: What IS CFLU? I only have info from the wiki and it's not very trustworthy + it's not much. So I ask what it is. What are it's symptoms? Where did it come from? How are combine soldiers infected and why wasn't the resistance trying to weaponize it? Is there something I missed or is it simply left ambiguous?
not my art but this was an unused piece for a hla section in a magazine.. ALYX UR NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS SITUATION GIRL