Made this little DM map for the TWHL vanilla DM contest they held. Results are yet to be published so wish me luck! Link: twhl.info/vault/view/6849

Made this little DM map for the TWHL vanilla DM contest they held. Results are yet to be published so wish me luck! Link: twhl.info/vault/view/6849
"Stuck in the middle" Made for the #springcleaning2024 contest. Gus doesn't care, he just wants to go home. The map in the background was also made by me.
A Summer poster on the map I just did for another contest, Azure world. The map and poster are very much inspired and based off of Sonic Adventure 1. #HotAndSteamyContest
Just released a new TF2 map, Marino! It's an arena map set in the heart of the Badlands with an interesting layout and a gimmick that can dictate how your team plays a portion of the map. Put a lot of effort into this one so would love if you could check it out!
Remember the mall map I showed 4 months ago. This is what it currently looks like. A little bit of an improvement I feel.
Drew this a few months back.
Just released another new TF2 map for the upcoming update, Vice! It's a Koth map set in beautiful Miami where Red and Blu duke it out over control of a huge pile of cash. This battle can also spread into the nearby Seascape Hotel located alongside the money pile. This map has a heavily tested, experimental layout and interactive environment that has lots of angles and height variation for players to play on. I put so much effort on this one and would love if you could go support it!
Working on a Capture the flag map set inside a mall.
Happy birthday Half-Life!!! Made this a couple years ago to practice painting and never posted it. Until today that is!
Update on my Asymetrix PD contest map