The 7th Anniversary of RTBR is here, and with it, another look at Division 3 and the future of the mod!

The Burton Equation - a mod developed by one of our leads in collaboration with numerous members of RTBR - is now live on Steam!

Our next December 2024 mini showcase is the debut of a new video series, recording some of the unusual and strangely calming ambience of RTBR's City 17 in long-form, for use whilst studying, chilling, or perhaps having a nap. You can view the first video in this series right here! Meanwhile, if you haven't already, vote for us on ModDB for MOTY 2024! Follow this link here and click the spin-off icons to vote for those as well:…

The October 2024 update is LIVE! Take a look at a deep dive into what new Antlions will be coming to Division 3!

The Inaugural update for Raising the Bar: Triumph is now LIVE! Check out a number of art passed chambers, testing elements with reimagined designs, and more!

The Division 3 Demo is LIVE! Fight the Combine, rescue Maxwell, and take back the Wasteland.
The Division 3 Demo is almost here! Prepare to lead an assault on the Wasteland Depot to break the Combine's grip on the area, reunite with Alyx, and rescue Eli Maxwell.

RTBR's Open Source repositories now include Division 2 and Salvation code! For those interested in Division 3, there's also some new snippets of content released in this article!

The full soundtrack for Raising the Bar: Salvation is now out! Check the Salvation OST playlist out for individual tracks, or the ambient mix here for them all in one place!

The 1.0 release of Raising the Bar: Salvation is now HERE! Check out the video above and download it on ModDB! Be sure to read and follow the installation instructions!