


Wenomachain inasama tibjarbesaun wifelinloov :D

Joined 9 Apr 2022
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So new update has launchd and i wonder is theres swimimng animation added or not? because pool day has been added like theres pool so swimming animation should be added ,and my system can't run cs2 well enough.i wonder if someone can check it for me?

Hello to everyone reading this post.

I had a question. As you can see in the screenshots, terrorists and counter terrorists consist of Phoenix and SAS. Normally, groups would change according to maps in CSGO. For example, the terrorist group in Inferno was separatist. In Overpass, their CT was GSG-9. In dust 2, the cts were supposed to be from the IDF group. The question is, when this Counter-Strike 2 comes out, will these groups return to the maps they belong to?
Hello to everyone reading this post.

I had a question. As you can see in the screenshots, terrorists and counter terrorists consist of Phoenix and SAS. Normally, groups would change according to maps in CSGO. For example, the terrorist group in Inferno was separatist. In Overpass, their CT was GSG-9. In dust 2, the cts were supposed to be from the IDF group. The question is, when this Counter-Strike 2 comes out, will these groups return to the maps they belong to?
Hello to everyone reading this post.

I had a question. As you can see in the screenshots, terrorists and counter terrorists consist of Phoenix and SAS. Normally, groups would change according to maps in CSGO. For example, the terrorist group in Inferno was separatist. In Overpass, their CT was GSG-9. In dust 2, the cts were supposed to be from the IDF group. The question is, when this Counter-Strike 2 comes out, will these groups return to the maps they belong to?

Hello to everyone reading this post. I had a question. As you can see in the screenshots, terrorists and counter terrorists consist of Phoenix and SAS. Normally, groups would change according to maps in CSGO. For example, the terrorist group in Inferno was separatist. In Overpass, their CT was GSG-9. In dust 2, the cts were supposed to be from the IDF group. The question is, when this Counter-Strike 2 comes out, will these groups return to the maps they belong to?
