Pauly Bird

Pauly Bird

Joined 14 Sep 2022
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No, i dont think we were playing as azian in Half Life Echoes. there are already some hints throughout the mod many people have overlooked that suggests the player is male such as the scientist at the beginning scolding us for entering the woman's bathroom and more importantly: the announcement system guy referring us to "mister".


Am i the only one who's not very fond with the names of the characters in EZ:U? I mean theyr not bad or even generic for that matter, but they just arent anything intresting. Like boddy cop, bec(who's only named that because he has a broken eye on his mask) and even traitor cop, you can just create another character name them killer cop and it wouldnt be any more special. I get these names are meant to be ironic or simple, espesionally since the character from entropy zero 1 and 2 was literally called bad cop, but atleast that name was pretty creative since it's based on the good cop bad cop trope.

You know what i think would be an interesting take or theory? an origin/explanation behind the overwatch voice. like maybe it was once a human like every other combine soldier, but instead of becoming a soldier or a stalker, they turned her into a living pa system where she only speaks what she is programed to say with no free will, or perhaps they only repurposed her vocal cords to be used as the voice of the pa system. these are both interesting and very dark takes and it would be cool to see these ideas expanded upon or adapted through fan work.


I'm bored, any lesser known half life mods that are good? lesser known as in besides the ones we already know about and play alot of.