why is he pink? because i said so.
tutorial how to draw combine
DAY 3 #freemanfebruary
#freemanfebruary outta here
#freemanfebruary mostly going to draw multiple freemans each day during february but i thought maybe you guys could interact with freeman too also you could use the hashtag too if you'd like
"Goddammit Russell, where the hell am I?" Under-Life: Alyx Part 1 LINK: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally! Got the first part done.
Me and Radiation Hazard
Its coming up to 10 years since this video was uploaded. 22 Feb 2012. kitty0706 was an influencial garry's mod animator who unfortunately was diagnosed with leukaemia May 9th 2012. He died January 25th 2015, he was 20 years old.