Its coming up to 10 years since this video was uploaded. 22 Feb 2012. kitty0706 was an influencial garry's mod animator who unfortunately was diagnosed with leukaemia May 9th 2012. He died January 25th 2015, he was 20 years old.

Its coming up to 10 years since this video was uploaded. 22 Feb 2012. kitty0706 was an influencial garry's mod animator who unfortunately was diagnosed with leukaemia May 9th 2012. He died January 25th 2015, he was 20 years old.
This video may go down as one of the best pieces of fan content ever made. It's inspired many people to start making their own fan animations. It's introduced new people to both Garry's Mod and Team Fortress 2.
We miss you Colin.
Cancer sucks ass, it's taken many in my family and will probably take me one day too. I feel like machinima died with kitty0706 (the video format not the YouTube conglomerate)