


My name is Max, that's all you need to know

Joined 23 Aug 2023
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Stare At The Art
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
Black Mesa has 4 stars, it dropped a bit after the last incident but the reputation is being rebuilt

Black Mesa has 4 stars, it dropped a bit after the last incident but the reputation is being rebuilt

A small project I comitted to where I drew a portrait of every male and female citizen. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed noticing little details about each citizen model. They really do all have such unique features
A small project I comitted to where I drew a portrait of every male and female citizen. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed noticing little details about each citizen model. They really do all have such unique features

A small project I comitted to where I drew a portrait of every male and female citizen. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed noticing little details about each citizen model. They really do all have such unique features
