that one guy

that one guy


Alex, he/they - hoping to become active here again soon? idk we'll see - I do art mostly nowadays, I'm hoping to get around to making more fanart soon? we'll see
Joined 8 Jun 2022
I Was There
I Was There
Took part in the #RememberFreeman event
Created a map in our LambdaBuilds competitions
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!

I'm back again, I've been busy lately but MAYBE I'll start posting again soon? we'll see. A friend and I have been working on a totally unrelated comic and that as well as school and work have kept me pretty busy lol I keep saying "IM BACK FOR REAL THIS TIME" and then just disappear again lmao I'll TRY to post something soonish? we'll see we'll see

I know I haven't been the most active lately since I've been hyperfixating on other things, but I thought even though I have to be on a more portable setup today I figured it was worth participating in #OpposingTheBar . I love opfor and I don't really get much of an opportunity to play it anymore so I might as well today alongside you all :D

I know I haven't been the most active lately since I've been hyperfixating on other things, but I thought even though I have to be on a more portable setup today I figured it was worth participating in #OpposingTheBar . I love opfor and I don't really get much of an opportunity to play it anymore so I might as well today alongside you all :D


hey gamers! holiday season is around the corner, and i thought to celebrate i’ll be drawing HL-themed profile pics/icons for anyone who wants one for the next little while! if you want me to draw a Half-Life, Portal or TF2 themed profile pic for you, just comment! i’ll put an example and other info in the comments! :)

haaaappy birthday to half life and opposing force! managed to get this done today which is something at least! there’s been lots of changes round these parts since i vanished so uh that’s cool! i just celebrated my own birthday last week so yeah that’s super neat :) anyways nice seein you guys again and ill probably be hanging around more soon

haaaappy birthday to half life and opposing force! managed to get this done today which is something at least! there’s been lots of changes round these parts since i vanished so uh that’s cool! i just celebrated my own birthday last week so yeah that’s super neat :) anyways nice seein you guys again and ill probably be hanging around more soon

hey! it’s been a while but i’m back! i’ve been battling with my mental health recently, so I just kinda disappeared, and i feel kinda bad for just vanishing, so i made this little drawing of chell for you all! i’m probably gonna disappear again, buuut i just wanted to let you know i’m still alive (pun intended) and plan on staying that way for a little while longer :) alright see ya

hey! it’s been a while but i’m back! i’ve been battling with my mental health recently, so I just kinda disappeared, and i feel kinda bad for just vanishing, so i made this little drawing of chell for you all! i’m probably gonna disappear again, buuut i just wanted to let you know i’m still alive (pun intended) and plan on staying that way for a little while longer :) alright see ya

here’s another sketch of glados I like her she’s cool
I have been so burnt out lately I’m so sorry for not posting much the only thing my brain will let me do is think about glados (and my friend’s Michael Afton x GLaDOS fanchild but y’all aren’t ready for that)

here’s another sketch of glados I like her she’s cool I have been so burnt out lately I’m so sorry for not posting much the only thing my brain will let me do is think about glados (and my friend’s Michael Afton x GLaDOS fanchild but y’all aren’t ready for that)
