Obligatory #ShiftingTheBar Post

Just your usual Valve Software fan and Source Engine geek.
Obligatory #ShiftingTheBar Post
A friendly reminder that the Fortress Obscura mod has released! I'll post the "Day 2" and "Day 3" videos in the comments. "Looks like someone needs an oil change..." (Disclaimer: the game is still in pre-alpha so things are still very WIP)
Team Fortress 2 Classic got an update that adds in stuff from Mapbase (yes that Mapbase) which includes shader changes and additions like Parallax Corrected Cubemaps and Radial Fog.
Looks like the SFM++ people have been wanting exists as some kind of Alien Swarm mod. This community never ceases to amaze me with their modding skills. (Didn't know where else to post this)
Just archiving my entry in the #LambdaGenerationOnMy contest, also yes this "Wii Laptop" does exist but its not mine.
Disclaimer: I am not a dev, just giving the mod extra attention because it deserves to have more players. For those who are fed up with normal TF2 only getting community updates, TF2C exists and is getting an official update this spring by its developers. I'd recommend downloading this mod because TF2C could use more players as usually only 2-3 servers are filled every day so it could use more players. For more info here is the link their website: tf2classic.com/
Here's a post to remind you that Jabroni Brawl releases on November 11th, 2022 (aka a week from now)
Disclaimer: This is a Source game, it may look like its not Source but it uses a modified CSGO Branch so just bear with me. A cool upcoming Source game called Military Conflict: Vietnam is coming out on November 25th, not a dev but I just thought you guys should know.
"The evil space octopus died and everyone lived happily ever a- Wait what do you mean theres more?!" #RememberFreeman
While I was playing some HL1 I found this glitch where this gib would just be here falling VERY slowly when I blew up a houndeye over the bridge. Coincidentally after I took this screenshot gravity started to affect the gib and started falling like any real world object would while in mid-air. #RememberFreeman