


Hazardous Material | Profile picture by @ThatAlex14 :3

Joined 5 Apr 2023
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
Concept art for a Heavy Combine unit.

Actually i wanted to do a transhuman with a synth parasite and a baby strider corps as head. To show the cruelty of the Combine, with bioengineering experiments on humans and synths.

So it's mainly a guy with a strong build => Big guy or bodybuilder (which we don't see in the half-life universe at the moment ? Maybe an idea for creating now models with different body shapes) with a thick layer of tactic / Kevlar equipment.

It would have an alien/synth parasite as/on arm, created by the Combine to control the weapon (the weapon could be half alien/mechanical => A sort of bioengineering), with the idea of ​​the weapons of Race X in Opposing Force.  (Inspired by an old concept art i did for @Syph0 years ago)

Parts of the armor would be pieces of synth armor, like chitinn. (This is why there is a strong resemblance to pieces of the Strider)

 I wanted to go in the style of Big Daddy in Bioshock. A heavy unit moving slowly. With gutural noises.

And for the weapon I also started from the principle that it could be a super-powerful laser, like the striders' shots or like a long-terme laser like the one of the stalkers.

Concept art for a Heavy Combine unit. Actually i wanted to do a transhuman with a synth parasite and a baby strider corps as head. To show the cruelty of the Combine, with bioengineering experiments on humans and synths. So it's mainly a guy with a strong build => Big guy or bodybuilder (which we don't see in the half-life universe at the moment ? Maybe an idea for creating now models with different body shapes) with a thick layer of tactic / Kevlar equipment. It would have an alien/synth par…
