Jack of Black Phoenix

Jack of Black Phoenix


I'm not the guy you're looking for

Joined 19 May 2022
I Was There
I Was There
Took part in the #RememberFreeman event
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!

Not sure if it will be interesting, but I've been rummaging though some old files recently and found remnants of a mod I used to work on few years back. It was meant to be a retelling of Half-Life Uplink story as a longer mod, which eventually was discontinued for reasons I can't remember anymore. Some sections of the maps were later repurposed and used in "Reuplink" - a custom map for Half-Life 1 which is a more accurate remake of the original. Here's gameplay of what was left of the old mod,…

Finally, de_meteo, which was meant to be a wingman map set in the meteorological station in Carpathian Mountains. I wanted to do something artistically similar to Summit from COD:Black Ops 1, got fairly far with the center bulk of the map but once again never managed to finish it. I might give it another shot in due time though, but in CS2 instead...
Finally, de_meteo, which was meant to be a wingman map set in the meteorological station in Carpathian Mountains. I wanted to do something artistically similar to Summit from COD:Black Ops 1, got fairly far with the center bulk of the map but once again never managed to finish it. I might give it another shot in due time though, but in CS2 instead...
Finally, de_meteo, which was meant to be a wingman map set in the meteorological station in Carpathian Mountains. I wanted to do something artistically similar to Summit from COD:Black Ops 1, got fairly far with the center bulk of the map but once again never managed to finish it. I might give it another shot in due time though, but in CS2 instead...
Finally, de_meteo, which was meant to be a wingman map set in the meteorological station in Carpathian Mountains. I wanted to do something artistically similar to Summit from COD:Black Ops 1, got fairly far with the center bulk of the map but once again never managed to finish it. I might give it another shot in due time though, but in CS2 instead...

Finally, de_meteo, which was meant to be a wingman map set in the meteorological station in Carpathian Mountains. I wanted to do something artistically similar to Summit from COD:Black Ops 1, got fairly far with the center bulk of the map but once again never managed to finish it. I might give it another shot in due time though, but in CS2 instead...

Secondly - ar_maintenance - a map for an arms race set on the top floor of some old factory/warehouse type building which was undergoing renovation. 

I got pretty far with it but I never fully finished it, for reasons which honestly I don't even remember at this point :D
Secondly - ar_maintenance - a map for an arms race set on the top floor of some old factory/warehouse type building which was undergoing renovation. 

I got pretty far with it but I never fully finished it, for reasons which honestly I don't even remember at this point :D
Secondly - ar_maintenance - a map for an arms race set on the top floor of some old factory/warehouse type building which was undergoing renovation. 

I got pretty far with it but I never fully finished it, for reasons which honestly I don't even remember at this point :D
Secondly - ar_maintenance - a map for an arms race set on the top floor of some old factory/warehouse type building which was undergoing renovation. 

I got pretty far with it but I never fully finished it, for reasons which honestly I don't even remember at this point :D

Secondly - ar_maintenance - a map for an arms race set on the top floor of some old factory/warehouse type building which was undergoing renovation. I got pretty far with it but I never fully finished it, for reasons which honestly I don't even remember at this point :D

With Blocktober being underway and CSGO being a goner (RIP) I thought it would be interesting to showcase some of the cancelled/unfinished maps I've made over the years. 

Firstly, a remake of cs_camouflage from CS:O which I was co-developing with a friend of mine. Aside from upgrading the graphics, we were planning to overhaul the layout a bit to make it slightly more competetive.
With Blocktober being underway and CSGO being a goner (RIP) I thought it would be interesting to showcase some of the cancelled/unfinished maps I've made over the years. 

Firstly, a remake of cs_camouflage from CS:O which I was co-developing with a friend of mine. Aside from upgrading the graphics, we were planning to overhaul the layout a bit to make it slightly more competetive.
With Blocktober being underway and CSGO being a goner (RIP) I thought it would be interesting to showcase some of the cancelled/unfinished maps I've made over the years. 

Firstly, a remake of cs_camouflage from CS:O which I was co-developing with a friend of mine. Aside from upgrading the graphics, we were planning to overhaul the layout a bit to make it slightly more competetive.
With Blocktober being underway and CSGO being a goner (RIP) I thought it would be interesting to showcase some of the cancelled/unfinished maps I've made over the years. 

Firstly, a remake of cs_camouflage from CS:O which I was co-developing with a friend of mine. Aside from upgrading the graphics, we were planning to overhaul the layout a bit to make it slightly more competetive.

With Blocktober being underway and CSGO being a goner (RIP) I thought it would be interesting to showcase some of the cancelled/unfinished maps I've made over the years. Firstly, a remake of cs_camouflage from CS:O which I was co-developing with a friend of mine. Aside from upgrading the graphics, we were planning to overhaul the layout a bit to make it slightly more competetive.