


I play far too many Half-Life mods, and enjoy making maps for HL2, No More Room in Hell and more.

Joined 17 Jul 2022
LambdaBuilder Champ - 2nd
LambdaBuilder Champ - 2nd
Came second place in a LambdaBuilds competition
Created a map in our LambdaBuilds competitions
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
Stare At The Art
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Contributed a reaction emote to a community :D
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Cat pics. Cat pics, everywhere. #UniGeneration
Happy International Cat Day, LambdaGeneration! In the spirit of #UniGeneration, I present- TigerGeneration!
Tiger was my cat all throughout my childhood, but sadly he passed away in 2021- and thanks to some editing from @westeh, he'll now live on in LambdaGeneration forever.

Happy International Cat Day, LambdaGeneration! In the spirit of #UniGeneration, I present- TigerGeneration! Tiger was my cat all throughout my childhood, but sadly he passed away in 2021- and thanks to some editing from @westeh, he'll now live on in LambdaGeneration forever.

Some of you may remember my map "La Habana Libre" from LambdaBuilds: Back to the Roots- well, I've been improving and expanding on it for a while now, and it's very close to release, so keep an eye out!
Some of you may remember my map "La Habana Libre" from LambdaBuilds: Back to the Roots- well, I've been improving and expanding on it for a while now, and it's very close to release, so keep an eye out!
Some of you may remember my map "La Habana Libre" from LambdaBuilds: Back to the Roots- well, I've been improving and expanding on it for a while now, and it's very close to release, so keep an eye out!
Some of you may remember my map "La Habana Libre" from LambdaBuilds: Back to the Roots- well, I've been improving and expanding on it for a while now, and it's very close to release, so keep an eye out!

Some of you may remember my map "La Habana Libre" from LambdaBuilds: Back to the Roots- well, I've been improving and expanding on it for a while now, and it's very close to release, so keep an eye out!


Now that we're well into the spooky season and I have more free time soon, I'm looking to play some horror mods- give me your recommendations! My list so far is: -Nightmare House 2 -Cry of Fear -Afraid of Monsters -(maybe) Grey
