Also ChrisWithλnExistance

Also ChrisWithλnExistance


its acually me but on pc

Joined 9 Nov 2023
the void
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i found another beta sound, looks like it was a testing track for half life 2, it was in the file name test/temp/soundscape_test with a few other beta stuff in Half-Life 2's Sound Files.

So i was looking in the Half-Life 2 Files and then i came across this scream sfx, why does it sound so fuckin familiar? Send me a link on what that scream sounded like because i only know that it was a meme of sort.

If you've known the Half-Life 2 Beta long enough, you would know that this was the old Title for Half-Life 2,

If valve sticked with the old dark-n'-griddy style, Episode 1 and 2 would also look like this:
If you've known the Half-Life 2 Beta long enough, you would know that this was the old Title for Half-Life 2,

If valve sticked with the old dark-n'-griddy style, Episode 1 and 2 would also look like this:
If you've known the Half-Life 2 Beta long enough, you would know that this was the old Title for Half-Life 2,

If valve sticked with the old dark-n'-griddy style, Episode 1 and 2 would also look like this:

If you've known the Half-Life 2 Beta long enough, you would know that this was the old Title for Half-Life 2, If valve sticked with the old dark-n'-griddy style, Episode 1 and 2 would also look like this:
