BlockTool Studios

BlockTool Studios


We make mods for GoldSource and Source. We are currently working on a top-secret project.

Joined 27 Apr 2023
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Hello LambdaGen!

It is or what was BeerCollective, and we are now going under a name change to Block Tool Studio! Along with this announcement we have a public discord server which will be getting updates about our new upcoming project:

Hello LambdaGen! It is or what was BeerCollective, and we are now going under a name change to Block Tool Studio! Along with this announcement we have a public discord server which will be getting updates about our new upcoming project:

Sorry to tell you this if you looked forward to this mod but Beating Quota is being put on hold as of today.

The team is instead focusing on a new project we hope to announce in the future, and once we finish that project we might come back to Beating Quota.

However, if we don't come back, we will share any information about Beating Quota on the ModDB page, but for now we shall see.

Sorry to tell you this if you looked forward to this mod but Beating Quota is being put on hold as of today. The team is instead focusing on a new project we hope to announce in the future, and once we finish that project we might come back to Beating Quota. However, if we don't come back, we will share any information about Beating Quota on the ModDB page, but for now we shall see.

As you folks know we are working on a Blue Shift fan sequel called Half-Life: Beating Quota, but right now, Barney needs YOU to help continue his story. 

We need:

A level designer that will work on the maps. Working on maps with blockout/artpass.

A programmer who has experience with coding in Source. Able to code custom NPC's, weapons, hud elements ETC.

You can contact us on Discord(jaek2363), make sure to show off a portfolio of work you've done.

(Poster by @siwnares)

As you folks know we are working on a Blue Shift fan sequel called Half-Life: Beating Quota, but right now, Barney needs YOU to help continue his story. We need: A level designer that will work on the maps. Working on maps with blockout/artpass. A programmer who has experience with coding in Source. Able to code custom NPC's, weapons, hud elements ETC. You can contact us on Discord(jaek2363), make sure to show off a portfolio of work you've done. (Poster by @siwnares)


👋 Hey folks! We at BeerCollective are wondering what you would want to see in Half-Life: Beating Quota. 🤔 So what would you want to see in the mod? This could be anything from Cameos to recurring Characters, or gameplay-wise, we at BeerCollective are always open to suggestions. 😄
