
I decided to try one of the things I dread the most and drew without the comfort of lineart. No sketch for the preparation, no lineart to fill with color, just one big body of color which I then "sculpted" with darks and lights. Some parts are darker and look like lineart but I instictively did that to distinguish the shapes better. I put a random, dystopic background and some screentones and uh... it looks better than I expected.

I decided to try one of the things I dread the most and drew without the comfort of lineart. No sketch for the preparation, no lineart to fill with color, just one big body of color which I then "sculpted" with darks and lights. Some parts are darker and look like lineart but I instictively did that to distinguish the shapes better. I put a random, dystopic background and some screentones and uh... it looks better than I expected.

Jul 6, 2023

This is awesome, love how it turned out, it has like a pencil drawing quality to it.

Jul 6, 2023

It kinda does now that I look at it, yeah. Ty!