"M" Dr. Ludwig and his various messed up versions throughout Emesis Blue, all in a combination. I have one thing to say about that movie to sum it up and one thing only: If you haven't watched it you're committing a serious crime. Just that. Yep. This here was one of the usual artist roller coasters. Spent a good two hours (maybe three) on it in a row, left, came back and OH SH*T WTF IS THAT. I worked it a bit more, bravely resisting the idea to leave it and pull through and I don't regret it, I reached a satisfactory for me point. Dear artists in general, ignore the voice of abandonment when drawing; you'll have your "bad" work as reference for improvement. Maybe I should have narrowed the colors down to a smaller pallette, what's this mess... Give me any comments, anything, any mistakes (many but ok) and yeah, ask if you don't understand a part. Made on Krita. (He looks younger, why. WHY. WHYYY WHAT WENT WROOOOONG-)

Looks amazing!
Thank you!
Didn't fully understood the plot, but it was really well made.
Yeah, the thing was more confusing than even Inception and Interstellar for real. But it's prodding you to think of a solution to it, kinda, to figure it out
This is a featured moment 🌟, I can see Medic's mind has really gotten deep.
Medic's mind has decayed beyond salvation in there, unfortunately, heh
And thank you very much for the feature once again, it's greatly appreciated!
Hey Doc i know it's late but mind if i rate this image.. probably it would get 100/10
My GOD thank you! Thank you, have an amazing day/night, thank you!
Love how much effort was put into that movie
INDEED though. Like, what, four years? Maybe one-two more with the writing and/or redoing? For free display on YouTube? The fellas poured their SOULS in it