i had this dream where i booted up portal and got a background map with glados in it so why not replicate that? (and happy holidays lambdageneration)
i had this dream where i booted up portal and got a background map with glados in it so why not replicate that? (and happy holidays lambdageneration)
Good work!
thank yewz
Would be cool if Portal had chapter backgrounds like HL2
you just gave me the brightest idea
i only got as far to 3 maps, sadly
somewhat looks official, good job
Download url?
you can't download it because i didn't even know how to put it on when booting it up (and also i had no knowledge of making the camera stay there so i just used a nodraw brush under the player)
expect some laziness when i actually publish it and you run it with map instead of map_background cause i used the ENTIRE ESCAPE_02 MAP. (or i could just add a HELLO behind the player)
I'm pretty sure there is a file called "chapterbackgrounds.txt" within either "resources" or "scripts" I can't remember fully though.
well i can try that
"scripts", by the way
tried this, aand it's not showing up. could be cause of VTFs missing.
It's never done that with me, so I don't know of a solution, sorry.
Could the map name be inserted wrong? Could the text file not need/ need the file extension names? Have you inserted/ removed "maps/" before the map name? The missing vtf names could be the ones that handle the background blur, when it says "loading" in the corner.
i've only just renamed some backgrounds to the actual name of the background(s)
ok since that doesn't make sense i renamed the backgrounds to the OTHER backgrounds
I'd love to see more of these background maps!
it's actually what i'm thinking too