
Jan 10

I personally have to disagree with you. I like the personality cores. And Mods like Portal Stories: Mel and Portal: Revolution are absolute masterpieces. Putting GLaDOS in there would be hard because I don’t think it’s that easy to get her voice actor. And I personally like the personality cores.


do not disrespect portal stories mel

Jan 20

and revolution

The Funny
The Funny
Jan 11

I like them cores though

Jan 12

Yes, I don’t see the problem with them. I like funny stupid cores that do core things.

Lily McFluffy Butt

I tend to agree that the core companion thing is overdone.


in all fairness, using GLaDOS could often come off as a cheap trick for shock value, and old aperture us used in a lot of other mods, and also, GLaDOS is just a fat personality core.

The One Epicplayer

Portal mod try to be good challenge (impossible)


Okay guys I'll be honest I did not like reloaded. I don't know why, I just can't stand it for some reason.. Its just so.. so.. I don't even know WHY I don't like it I just don't for some reason. I wanna like it but can't, I do think one of the reasons is cause the voice of the.. Whatever it is is just a bland TTS voice with no personality.


naw for me, the voice works becuz its the announcer voice from the beginning kf portal 2, and it delivers its jokes in a similar way to portal and theyre written like a portal game without being obvious reuses of ingame jokes, and personally the cores from the other mainstream mods are more annoying to me personally and theyre just written badly, like i think theres potential but they just dont land for me as is becuz they feel like theyre trying to be portal 2 again without understanding how its narrative and jokes function

Reply to thisshoulddo

I can see where you are coming from, though I personally still don't like it. To each their own! And thanks for replying <3


The voice isn't TTS, it's Harry101uk. They're is BTS videos about it on YouTube.

Reply to Watercrate

Oh well now I'm actually impressed he's so good at sounding like a TTS bot. Either way I still don't really like it but it that is pretty dang interesting so thanks :D


reloaded was fun, when the chambers weren't absurdly difficult

Reply to Atomic-Lennin

the difficulty is part of the fun part personally, ^-^