
The Enrichment Center would like to remind you, that progress is still being made toward completion of this re-iteration of the Portal Project. While we must make the unfortunate statement that the major developer update like content we had hope to push out has been delayed due to events beyond our control, we present some work in progress screenshots of our current progress.
We hope to see you again soon, with a full, developer like, major update alongside minor brand changes. (Barring extraneous circumstances.)
Thank you for remaining patient, and remember: Science rhymes with compliance.
The Enrichment Center would like to remind you, that progress is still being made toward completion of this re-iteration of the Portal Project. While we must make the unfortunate statement that the major developer update like content we had hope to push out has been delayed due to events beyond our control, we present some work in progress screenshots of our current progress.
We hope to see you again soon, with a full, developer like, major update alongside minor brand changes. (Barring extraneous circumstances.)
Thank you for remaining patient, and remember: Science rhymes with compliance.

The Enrichment Center would like to remind you, that progress is still being made toward completion of this re-iteration of the Portal Project. While we must make the unfortunate statement that the major developer update like content we had hope to push out has been delayed due to events beyond our control, we present some work in progress screenshots of our current progress. We hope to see you again soon, with a full, developer like, major update alongside minor brand changes. (Barring extraneous circumstances.) Thank you for remaining patient, and remember: Science rhymes with compliance.

Portal: Another Slice

The current portable wall texture set we are using was contributed by Oktocentillion of the Portal Mapping and Modding Discord server. Thank him for helping us help you help him help us all.

honestly i dont know

hey, just checkin up on you. you still alive?

Mauricio Jara
Mauricio Jara
Mar 27, 2023

1st image is recognizable of course, but I'm wondering what room the second image is meant to be and the context of it too...