
- Because of you and this ridiculous module, the puppets from above have become active and intend to begin an assault on the complex that has come under my control for all justifiable reasons, which you, due to your incommensurate dementia, will not comprehend even if I connect your neurons to the World Web! But, if you think that this is enough to turn all my plans upside down, forcing me to give up when I have already completed my grandiose project, then I am glad to disappoint you!.. In any case, I learned a lesson from this misunderstanding and even decided to publish something that will help me clean up the mess you left... No more indulgences... Meet my masterpiece...
P.I.R.E.S: «Limenoia»

Turret Assassin – combat androids created on the basis of Turrets with their updated AI integrated into the new shell. Folding machine guns are mounted on the wrist, and the legs end in blades with a spring mechanism for better spatial maneuvering. Concept art is inspired by the cut enemy Combine Assassin from Half-Life 2 and is a mix of Combine Assassin and Turret from Portal.

Many thanks to the artist Dainzh for providing the concept –

- Because of you and this ridiculous module, the puppets from above have become active and intend to begin an assault on the complex that has come under my control for all justifiable reasons, which you, due to your incommensurate dementia, will not comprehend even if I connect your neurons to the World Web! But, if you think that this is enough to turn all my plans upside down, forcing me to give up when I have already completed my grandiose project, then I am glad to disappoint you!.. In any case, I learned a lesson from this misunderstanding and even decided to publish something that will help me clean up the mess you left... No more indulgences... Meet my masterpiece... P.I.R.E.S: «Limenoia» Turret Assassin – combat androids created on the basis of Turrets with their updated AI integrated into the new shell. Folding machine guns are mounted on the wrist, and the legs end in blades with a spring mechanism for better spatial maneuvering. Concept art is inspired by the cut enemy Combine Assassin from Half-Life 2 and is a mix of Combine Assassin and Turret from Portal. Many thanks to the artist Dainzh for providing the concept –…

Jun 23


Jun 24
