♻️ THE REPOST UPDATE ♻️ 🚀 NEW FEATURES - Reposting You can now repost posts across multiple communities via the new ♻️ Repost button. Made a cool TF2 animation in SFM, but don’t know which community to post it to? We’ve got you covered. Think of retweeting but for communities. Posts that have been reposted to other communities will show a new repost banner. Posts can only be reposted to the same community once. If someone has already reposted a post to a community, it will be greyed out in the new Repost menu. You can also undo reposts via the … menu. ✏️ CHANGES - Reaction picker The add reaction button has moved to the reactions area. The reaction list now truncates when there’s over 6 reactions (RIP ALLAN), All reactions can be shown by clicking the (...) button. - Rules update Now we’ve added Reposting, we’ve updated the platform rules to make it clear that posts shouldn’t be manually copied or cloned between different communities. If you want to post something between subcommunities - use the new feature! - Changelog's new home From now on were going to be posting our changelogs directly on the site. Join the LambdaGeneration subcommunity if you want to follow the platforms progress. #platformchangelog

@david why u make me recycle bin
wow this is actually really clever good thinking guys
Is there a way to quote repost
Not yet, our main focus with this feature is to allow posts to be in multiple communities as long as they share a theme. However we might consider quote-reposts in the future.
When Rich Text update