
Currently want to make a mod for Half Life (Goldsrc specifically) but don't know any good way to do so on Linux, is there a better option than attempting to run the hammer editor through Wine, or is it the best option (It works but my laptop sucks so a native editor would let me have better performance with editing as my laptop is too weak to do much (Does this fit in the modding section if it's just me asking for help?)

Truck Stop Santa Claus

you can't go wrong with J.A.C.K

Jun 27, 2021

I could be wrong, but I believe J.A.C.K. has a native Linux port? It's an alternative to VHE and is still being actively developed. Doesn't have prefab support like VHE does, though.

Jun 27, 2021

I'll check it out, I think I tried before but couldn't get it to launch, but it is always worth trying again! Thank you.

Reply to LiziPancake
Underqualified Gunman

from what i understand the free to use version might be a bit behind on fixes/stability however the pay to use steam version gets updates first. the updates themselves are sporadic but that expected considering the dev is also doing work on at least one game recently