
Opinions on the “pre-release” characters of Half-Life 2 I’ve been working on a personal rendition of Half-Life 2 that takes elements from both retail and older eras of Half-Life 2’s development and wanted to get feedback on how you would personally like to see some of the characters from earlier eras portrayed. Here I’d like to specifically ask about Eli Maxwell and Captain Vance, as I’ve taken a unique approach to adapting their characters compared to how they are in the “source” material. Instead of having Eli completely absorbing Captain Vance’s character, I’ve instead separated the “Vance” from the Captain, so as of now they are Eli Vance and Captain Maxwell. In my retelling, I want to keep the father/daughter relationships and story aspects that Alyx and Eli have in retail, but still keep Captain Vance’s storyline and The Conscripts. I’m still currently working on how to adapt Captain Maxwell further to be a more compelling character now that Alyx has been separated from him, but I have a few ideas already brewing. I’d love to get feedback on how you feel about this approach, and about their characters in general! What do you think makes their characters compelling in the beta? Do you prefer Eli and Alyx’s parental dynamic or would you rather see the Captain’s parental dynamic with Alyx be developed? How do you feel about the name of Maxwell being switched? Any feedback or additional ideas would be greatly appreciated and I can’t wait to develop this project more and eventually share it with you all!

Mar 18

If taking retail stuff. Captaic Maxwell stuff could get Odessa Cubbage. He is underutilised anyway