HALF-LIFE 2: DEATHMATCH'S B'DAY 20TH ANNIVERSARY 🎊 - GAMENIGHT SATURDAY 🎮 We'll be celebrating Half-Life 2: Deathmatch's 20th anniversary with custom maps! That's right, HL2DM was released 2 weeks after Half-Life 2. Join us for some wacky shenanigans and celebrate it's B'Day! HOW TO JOIN? - you can search LambdaGeneration.com on the server browser - or copy & paste the text into the developer console: CONNECT WHEN IT STARTS? 🕖 The gamenight starts on Saturday, November 30 - 8PM GMT 📅 9PM CET / 3PM ET / 12PM PT Here's the link for the event and ways to opt-in! discord.gg/uWrefRP7?event=131141… IMPORTANT❗ Valve's recent updates to HL2DM are breaking the server binaries (again), so we're going to revert back to Steam Legacy aka the Pre-20th Anniversary Build Branch! In order to play, you'll need to switch to the "steam_legacy - Pre-20th Anniversary Build" branch by right clicking HL2DM then click on "Properties" and going to the "Betas" tab. We have a visual tutorial in the comments below!
How to get the "steam_legacy Pre-20th Anniversary Build" branch visualized!