Congrats to @danskart for Fan Art of the Week! More amazing submissions again - here's a few runners up: #JusticeForShephard by @ramzej community.lambdageneration.com/p… "What the heck are you doing down here? Get top side! I heard troops are coming here to save us." by @twowestex-westeh community.lambdageneration.com/p… "Run, Think, Shoot, Link." by @panam001 community.lambdageneration.com/p… A city. Called "3 Circles". Under the control of the Combine. by @skwallie community.lambdageneration.com/p… Keep the fan art coming! #FanArtoftheWeek

Heyy, #JusticeForShephard made it on to the LambdaGeneration account, nice!