
Hey there Lambda Generation!
I'm working on a Half-Life Mod called "A Combine's Fate". Currently we have a Small Team, 2 Mappers (who aren't very experienced with the Valve Hammer Editor to say the Least) and One Voice Actor. I'd like to ask for Help for Development. We Currently need
1. Mappers
2. Voice Actors
3. Modelers
4. If your good at doing custom stuff with the source engine (Custom NPC's and stuff like that) hmu
5. If you know how to make a pretty cool Main Menu (Like the one seen in Entropy: Zero 2, Which is a huge inspiration in this mod) also hmu.
6. Texture Artists
And lastly
7. Music Composers.
If you want more Information about this Mod, Visit the ModDB Page! -

Edit: I Forgot to add a way to contact me if your interested, My Bad. Send me a Request over at Discord (Username: althegaymr)

Hey there Lambda Generation! I'm working on a Half-Life Mod called "A Combine's Fate". Currently we have a Small Team, 2 Mappers (who aren't very experienced with the Valve Hammer Editor to say the Least) and One Voice Actor. I'd like to ask for Help for Development. We Currently need 1. Mappers 2. Voice Actors 3. Modelers 4. If your good at doing custom stuff with the source engine (Custom NPC's and stuff like that) hmu 5. If you know how to make a pretty cool Main Menu (Like the one seen in Entropy: Zero 2, Which is a huge inspiration in this mod) also hmu. 6. Texture Artists And lastly 7. Music Composers. If you want more Information about this Mod, Visit the ModDB Page! - Edit: I Forgot to add a way to contact me if your interested, My Bad. Send me a Request over at Discord (Username: althegaymr)

Dec 18, 2024

when i get substance 3d painter, i'll join ya as a texture artist without experience :D

Top Rocket
Top Rocket
Aug 20, 2024


Aug 17, 2024

im gonna see if i can get good mic quality, because the open slot for the VA peaks my interest

Aug 17, 2024

bad quality it is