В Half-Life 2 : Remastered Collection - обновили размер всего ремастера Теперь мы знаем что : Скачивать (весь ремастер) мы будет 9,52 гигабайта; А вот установлено будет аж 20,31 гигабайт In Half-Life 2 : Remastered Collection - updated the size of the entire remaster Now we know that: We will download (the entire remaster) 9.52 gigabytes; But it will be installed as much as 20.31 gigabytes

It became 20 GB some month ago. Year ago it was 19 GB. 3 Years ago. It was 16 GB
The size of the remaster was updated a long time ago, now it just shows how many gigabytes will need to be downloaded and the speed will be set
huh. Never pay attention. Yeah, you right. Maybe it is means that package is ready to be released ?
Most likely, yes, it’s probably ready, but it’s probably left for them to fill in the steam mod and all sorts of little things And if it is really ready, then I personally think that it will be made available to the public either at the end of the summer or in the fall (I could be very wrong about all of this)
i want to believe that at least to the end of summer. Or even, with release of CS2, like "Enhanced Bundle" or "remastered box" or some thing...