

I had a part 2 plan but idk how to draw men over 50 yrs old most I can do is 40.

I like to think that Gordon has some scarring along his face either from bull squid acid(that my interpretation of him has) or whatnot.

Alyx is loosely based on arts of her I saw that I liked while looking for references, so I just referenced those to make an interpretation of her. 

I gave Barney more scars (most are on his body) and a slit eyebrow, also some bullsquid acid burns on his face and the assassin's creed lip scar.

Aidrian's face is hidden because I couldn't think of how to interpret him, so I gave harsh shadows on his face instead.

Template:… I had a part 2 plan but idk how to draw men over 50 yrs old most I can do is 40. I like to think that Gordon has some scarring along his face either from bull squid acid(that my interpretation of him has) or whatnot. Alyx is loosely based on arts of her I saw that I liked while looking for references, so I just referenced those to make an interpretation of her. I gave Barney more scars (most are on his body) and a slit eyebrow, also some bullsquid acid burns on his face and the assassin's creed lip scar. Aidrian's face is hidden because I couldn't think of how to interpret him, so I gave harsh shadows on his face instead.

Sep 26, 2023

Looks awesome! I gotta try this

Oct 27, 2023

adrian looks best his face is so 1:1