What if TFC was released in early 1998? This is a mockup mod I made. I'll post a download in the description when I'm done. Weapons shown: Assault Cannon, Super Shotgun, Super Nailgun, Frag Grenade, Concussion Grenade.

What if TFC was released in early 1998? This is a mockup mod I made. I'll post a download in the description when I'm done. Weapons shown: Assault Cannon, Super Shotgun, Super Nailgun, Frag Grenade, Concussion Grenade.
“Half-Life: Team Fortress” resurrected!
Not really, but it's something.
very specific
those of us that grew up on cs1.5 and cs1.6 preferred those games over tfc, just a sad fact unfortunately
CS1.6 is fun, but I personally prefer the chaos of TFC.
half life day of defeat was a lot of fun too but so hard
Oh boy this is doin' numbers...