🚨 A reminder that #OpposingTheBar is happening this weekend - Sunday Aug 13 @ 15:00 GMT 🚨 Come play Half-Life: Opposing Force and help break Steam records! 🏆 As usual, we will be hosting a mini-site and phototag on our site, plus Op4 multiplayer servers for after. 🤘

Finally some love to this amazing game (Btw you can make simillar event with CS:CZ)
No. I hate opposing force I love blue shift. And I don't understand why a similar event, but about blue shift, went so quietly that even I didn't find out about it until the day after it was over.
I'm in
Let‘s go!!
When will the site be available?
Dumb to pick GMT as the basis for the time, the UK isn't even on GMT in the summer.
They most likely picked GMT because they're based in England and not everyone knows about BST.