
Imagine the Combine's confusion when Freeman raids Nova Prospekt. You can hear radio chatter while you storm the coasts of Nova Prospekt with the antlions, and the Combine sounds so confused because they see the perimeter restrictors disengage, followed by radio silence from their outposts, and then they identify Gordon Freeman and buttloads of antlions. Later on in the chapter, you hear them on the radio discover Gordon is actually controlling the antlions and they really start panicking. I imagine that when they were hunting Freeman along the coast, they were expecting him to just be trying to get into hiding instead of raiding probably the most secure Combine base on Earth. Bonus detail, when you meet up with Mossman in the Depot, you hear on the radio that Nova Prospekt has completely fallen and only the Depot remains functional.


>be me >join the combine for rations and better housing >feelsgoodman.jpeg >quickly climb through the ranks >be offered a special re-assignation for my excellence >get shiny new boots and better gear >get assigned to the most secure combine place on sector 17 >i literally have to do nothing but sit around all day >weird rebel named "freeman" starts making headlines >dont care >alarms starts blaring, bio-signals being lost left and right and antlion breaching the building >its the fucking freeman guy >mfw


The Nova Prospekt radio transmissions are the first time you ever hear the Combine Soldiers stumble over their words and say "uhh". It's great lmao

May 25

That's something I find so funny that these nearly emotionless killing machine are so dumbfounded by Gordon's antics that they begin showing the human trait of stumbling over their words again

Lλmbda Signal

And then youll hear Breen complaining how the guards cant even take on one guy lmaoo

The Funny
The Funny
May 25

I'd like to see Breen try to fight Freeman

May 25

And it's so funny how he literally says that Gordon's been in stasis, he should not have enough skill to kill all of you