Triage At Dawn... Drawn while listening to Triage At Dawn remixes among others. This song feels like the soul of Half Life; it's emotionally charged, melancholic, it feels like humanity's situation and remixes add even more. One of the most beloved pieces of OST. So here's a tired Gordon enjoying a sunrise on Highway 17 in some imaginary scene...

Nice one, Fireguardian!
Thank you!
it could bring a tear to any man's eye
Ehehe... I'm glad!
It fits half life 2 more than half-life
Indeed, Half Life 2 anf the following games mostly...
Yup, it's no wonder people gravitate towards the song so much, it's so iconic, even though we barely get to hear it. To me it's like... a melancholic loneliness, but also with a tinge of joy just to be alive, to find someone. Where Triage at Dawn plays, we have just survived the bleak aftermath of a crabshell bombing that saw a town of independent survivors turned into tortured zombies, it plays as Leon comes to rescue Winston, who has been hit, yet another reminder of death and mortality, but then there is also some joy in having found people again, to have survived. Wonderful art, as always, Fireguardian, love your work.
I couldn't have put it better myself about the song and thank you very much!