fitting some concepts taken from half life 2 beta into normal half life 2 (inspired by the comment made by Mythos) part 1: chapters the removed chapters: they could include these chapters Lost Coast, Combine Factories, Manhack Arcade, Consul Plaza or Breem Plaza, Weather Control, Hydra sewers, The Wasteland Now it's time to fill these chapters: Chapter 1:Point Insertion Chapter 2: Combine Factories Chapter 3: A Red Letter Day Chapter 4: Breem Plaza Chapter 5:Manhack Arcade Chapter 6: Route Kanal Chapter 7: Water Hazard Chapter 8: Black Mesa East Chapter 9:"We Don't Go To Ravenholm..." Chapter 10: Highway 17 Chapter 11: Lost Coast Chapter 12: Sandtraps Chapter 13: The Wasteland Chapter 14: Nova Prospekt Chapter 15: Entanglement Chapter 16:Weather Control Chapter 17: Antiticitizen One Chapter 18: Hydra sewers Chapter 19:"Follow Freeman!" Chapter 20: Our Benefactors Chapter 21: Dark Energy

sorry I spelled Nova Prospekt wrong
breem plaza
new hl2 beta location found: the breem plaza
It's because I'm fitting some hl2 beta chapters that I think could be in hl2, and as far as I know Consul is not in normal hl2 and that's why I changed the name from Consul Plaza to Breem Plaza