Cooking with Gary!)
mmm yummy
headcrab jambalya
Mmm yes...
Wouldn't mind some headcrab soup. Ireally like this blocky artstyle! :D
I'd like to watch Gary cook headcrab.
Mmm agreed...
I always wonder what those Vortigaunt cooks are preparing when we descend the Black Mesa East elevator...
So garry? What are you going to cook today hmmm?
mmm yummy
headcrab jambalya
Mmm yes...
Wouldn't mind some headcrab soup. Ireally like this blocky artstyle! :D
I'd like to watch Gary cook headcrab.
Mmm agreed...
I always wonder what those Vortigaunt cooks are preparing when we descend the Black Mesa East elevator...
So garry? What are you going to cook today hmmm?