ladies and gentlemen i present you with.. this
When Cry of Fear enters the game
this is pure nightmare fuel
when you discover that one universe where humans are antilons and antlions humans.... oh god my brain
This is art.
Love of my life
Whenever Half-Life fashions will bring me to a state of hysteria.
Who allowed the crowbar to be fricking GREEN?
Um... Was this meant to be in a paintball fight? If so, then *POW* You're blue!
*Terin 6 intensifies*
That Resonance Cascade hit us harder than we thought
If this thing shows up in my sleep, I can ask the real G-Man to give me your adress. Don't be surprised if you see a Vort outside your house when it happens, okay dear?
When Cry of Fear enters the game
this is pure nightmare fuel
when you discover that one universe where humans are antilons and antlions humans.... oh god my brain
This is art.
Love of my life
Whenever Half-Life fashions will bring me to a state of hysteria.
Who allowed the crowbar to be fricking GREEN?
Um... Was this meant to be in a paintball fight? If so, then *POW* You're blue!
*Terin 6 intensifies*
That Resonance Cascade hit us harder than we thought
If this thing shows up in my sleep, I can ask the real G-Man to give me your adress. Don't be surprised if you see a Vort outside your house when it happens, okay dear?