Greetings. Apparently, the Combine Advisors have informed me of this website and said it would be 'more interactive' with the people of Earth rather than just my looping announcement videos, so I would like to extend a heartfelt greeting towards everybody on this website and thank the Combine, as well as Combine Advisor Robo in disguise as a human, for giving us the opportunity to converse here. Thank you. #BreenRules

Breen pls release hl3
That's like asking me to stop the sun from shining. You think I can do anything about that?
I saw you play hl3
Well, that- aw fine, you caught me. The Combine found the Borealis and let me take it for a whirl, time traveling to 2457 when HL3 finally releases and I got to play it. Happy now?
Give us or ill send this guy to talk to you
Does the Combine have any spaceships? It'd make sense to me especially if you wanna quell rebellions quickly through an orbital bombardment. What about planet-destroying weapons?
Yes. The Combine has manufactured a certain gray, planet-destroying orb spaceship they use to destroy insubordinate societies, that for legal reasons I will only refer to as the Destroy Star. More evidence you should listen to them.
Breen, can you stop lacing the fucking water? -a concerned citizen.
Thank you for writing, Concerned. No, fuck off. Sincerely, Doctor Wallace Breen, PhD.
Breen, can you not fucking insult me? I was an IT specialist for Black Mesa and Aperture Science, I can literally find out where you stay at and I will send most of the rebels there. -a concerned citizen.
Hey, Dr Breen. What is your opinion on this "freeman" guy I've been hearing all about today. He was running away from civil protection through our apartment block and backwards bhopping at mach 7, this is the wildest shit I've seen in city-17 today...
Absolutely horrible, a true degenerate. We are attempting to apprehend him as we speak. Horrible guy.
hi doctor breen, will you stop that freeman? he killed my friend yesterday with a shotgun #BreenRules
We're trying to stop that destructive madman ASAP, however he is proving very difficult to catch. He keeps distracting our cops viciously by contouring and jiggling his naked muscles and screaming "GORGEOUS FREEMAN." A very concerning development of events.
opinion on rebels?
Absolutely vile disgusting pieces of degeneracy that belong to the dumpsters. Except for Jeff, played Chess with him that one time. He's nice.
Ayo Breen, what happened to America after the 7 Hour War? Does the Combine have the place under control or is it just a wasteland?
While we've tried multiple times to seize the area, we've encountered many obstacles. Apparently, the only beings left over in that hellscape since the war are just giant mutant bald eagles and sentient cheeseburgers synths, mutated from the radiation. Odd, but if that doesn't describe America in some abstract way, I don't know what does.
pls giv me a kiss on mi mouf dr bran #BreenRules
I mean, you used the hashtag, so a refusal would be quite rude. Although I'm afraid my kissing schedule is mostly taken up, please contact my secretary in the Citadel to schedule a new kissing appointment.