
if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.
if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.
if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.

if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.

Scarlet Fire

oh my god yes tentacle with legs

May 9

the first down right image of zombies make me imagine HL cartoon

Random Noctowl

the people hunting the ichthy reminds me of the people on who hunts whales for their meat (from its own name, it is technically that)