With Codename: loop release I would like to share few details about modding. I tested BSP feature of the C:Loop, and most common setting for camera is camera having top perspective from negative-X to positive-X. It is good to keep that in mind as roatating in JACK info_player_start on Z-axis doesn't change camera rotation. Moreover if you want to decrease file size it is good to put null texture on both sides of the ceiling. It won't render ceiling and ceiling-rendering script does great job, however the file size is still there. Based on my observations here is my summary of what should be kept in mind while desiging the map for Codename: loop. - Top-camera is pointed at x-axis, and direction of that view is directed to the postive-x(right side of a x/y edition window) - Changing z-axis rotation of info_player_start won't change camera's direction. -Null texture ceilings to decrease file-size