GETTING CRUNK IN KLEINER'S LAB helloooo i come baring HL fanart after a long while pinterest redraw again because it gets the creativity flowing

GETTING CRUNK IN KLEINER'S LAB helloooo i come baring HL fanart after a long while pinterest redraw again because it gets the creativity flowing
Alyx, move the wine bottle please.
i cannot let alyx ban me from this website
shes staring at everyone whos asking her to move the glass
Hey dont blame me for wanting to see Barney's massive uh... crowbar
i didnt even interact with any of your replies yet you always notice when i reply to something wtf
What i do i just replied to a comment what i do
i know what you are
A man who is wanted for war crimes in france is what i am
good i hate the french
haha super funny
Getting a hairdryer that shoots electricity out of my eyes ? Isn't that a bit dangerous ?
killing myself ? no i really don't think this type of thing are funny.
Bro really hit her with the:
hear me out-
Spy honest reaction:
bruh im whacking it to this
whacking what? kinda sus dude
Whacking!? I've been straight gooning to this for the past 17 hours.
gordon freakman
Barney is the kind of guy who would lose or willingly shed AT LEAST his pants in parties and binges when he reaches peak drunkiness
alyx pulling that light skin stare🤨
Where's Kleiner?
walking lamarr
He's protecting her from the p o r n o g r a p h y
This is something Delak would draw...if he can.
Gorgeous Calhoun
tbh i was tempted to make this into goregous freeman fanart instead. maybe in the future....
Surpised no has ever (from what I've seen) asked Kevin Sisk about how he felt when he voiced the absolute masterpiece of a line: "Uhh is that... shit?
oh yeah i was so surprised when i realised kevin sisk did voice work in gorgeous
Did you actually draw Barney's Pee-Pee?
no, there's no point in drawing something that'll be covered